Our History


Holy Child Central School (ICSE), which began in the year 2004, is run by the Sisters of the Congregation of Mother of Carmel (CMC), guided by their founders St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara and Rev. Fr. Leopold Boccaro who have taken up the apostolate of education to all especially women and children. Holy Child Central School based on ICSE syllabus rose at the requirements of the present generation in a rural background aiming at their integral development and to adapt themselves socially competent with high-tech world of present scenario. The School nestled in a small town called Snehagiri ,Mala near the southern tip of Thrissur district, the cultural capital of Kerala.

The Management adopts a very proactive approach, providing infrastructural facilities through regular installation and up-gradation of facilities in the School premises to facilitate the smooth implementation of the teaching-learning procedure and to acquire excellence in the field of academics as well as sports and cultural activities. The School envisages harmonious development of the children in the model of Child Jesus who grew in the stature and wisdom in Divine and human favour.

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